Posted in family literacy, technology

Adult Literacy XPRIZE Communities Competition

Warren Woods ESL is part of a team – Southeast Michigan Region 10 Adult Learners – in the Adult Literacy XPRIZE Communities Competition.  Our main goal in this competition is to bring a FREE LITERACY APP to our students and community members.

We’ve chosen to promote Learning Upgrade, an app for Android and iTunes or also available on the Google Play Store.  Use code 5577 when you create your registration on the app.  You can also scan the QR code in the graphic below.  We do NOT track your skills on the app, so it’s totally private to try for yourself.

So what does this app do?  It helps you improve your English and Math skills.  If you are an ESL student, or if you just need a boost in your skills in Algebra or GED Math, you can use this app completely FREE!  Use it with your children to work on literacy as a family.  It’s not made for kids, but it is kid-friendly.

xprize for macae

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